Parenting Calm Down Toolkit

Become The Calm, In-Control Parent You've Always Wanted To Be

The Simple 3 Steps To Parenting Calm: Here's how those "super parents" always seem to be able to stay cool, collected, and in control, no matter what their kids do, and the three steps that will help you to do the same.

If you often get angry at your kids, and then say and do things that you regret afterwards...

And you want to be a calm parent, able to stay in control of your feelings when your child behaves badly or does something that frustrates you...

If you want to be a good role-model for your children, with the skills to show them how to self-regulate and manage their own strong emotions...

Then this is going to be the most important message you'll read all day.

Here's why...

My name is Sue Meintjes, and I'm a mom with two kids—a 5-year-old girl and a 7-year-old son.

I love my kids, and I love spending time with them... most of the time.

But every so often, they do something that just...triggers me.

It might be my son who ignores me when I tell him to brush his teeth, or my daughter refusing to get dressed even though we are already late for school... there's always something.

And sometimes when this happened, I would get so mad, it was almost like my brain shut off...and then I would catch myself yelling at them, shouting threats to try and get them to listen. Stupid things like, "That's it, if you don't get dressed now then no more TV for the rest of the day!"

And (I'm ashamed to admit this) but in the moment, shouting made me feel good. "That taught them a lesson," I would catch myself thinking.

But that sense of satisfaction always only lasted a short while.

Then, each time, after I had calmed down, I would start regretting my behavior. When I thought about how I behaved, I felt ashamed.

"Is this what I want to teach them. Is this how I want them to behave when they are upset?"

"Is this the type of parent that I want to be?"

Worse, I could feel my connection with my kids being damaged each time I lost my cool. It felt like my kids started seeing me as an adversary to be defeated, instead of someone they could trust. Not only that, but I could feel myself starting to resent them each time they made me mad, because I hated seeing this side of myself.

This was not the type of relationship that I always dreamed of having with my kids. I love them, and I wanted my relationship and connection with them to improve each day, not get worse...

I wanted them to respect me, not fear me. I wanted them to trust me with their problems, not worry about whether I'd get mad at them.

At first, I thought the problem was with my kids. "If only they would listen, I wouldn't get so mad, and I wouldn't yell at them."

I tried many things to get them to listen better...but the problem just didn't go away. I kept yelling, and they kept misbehaving.

Then one day I came to an important realization.

I realized that instead of trying to change my kids...I had to start with myself if I wanted to improve the situation.

Because the truth is that my kids were behaving like kids, because they were kids. There was nothing wrong with their behavior - it was my behavior that was the problem.

I realized that I was letting my emotions control me in the moment, instead of giving myself the opportunity to decide how I wanted to respond.

This epiphany changed everything.

When I realized this, I switched all of my attention to finding out how I could do this.

I read all the books I could find about staying calm.

I spent hours researching the latest scientific articles on how to reduce stress and increase my ability to stay calm.

I interviewed leading psychiatrists, best-selling authors, parenting coaches, and some of the world's top experts on positive mindset to discover the secrets to staying calm in the face of the constant challenges of being a parent.

And what I discovered changed my life...

You see, the single most important truth that I discovered is that the ability to stay calm is a skill. A skill that anyone can learn. A skill that you can practice and get better at, no matter where you are right now.

And more, just like any other skill, there are certain techniques and tools that can make the difference in whether you are successful or not.

If you don't know these "calm down" tools, then staying calm can feel like an insurmountable matter what you do. But once you know and practice these simple tools, then you'll finally realize that staying calm and in-control can be easy.

This is great for you...but it is even better for your children.

First, because the calmer you are, the calmer your kids will be.

That's because young children depend on us to be their calm. They feed off our calm and make it their calm. They look at us to learn how to handle stressful situations. We are their role models, and we need to show them how to stay calm, or return to calm if we have been showing that we were upset. 

The simple fact is that when you are able to stay calm, it is easy for your kids to calm down. But when you get upset or emotional, then soon the whole situation spins out of control and everyone ends up upset and unhappy.

Second, our children learn from our example.

Much more than what we say, our children emulate what we do.

So if we don't have the skills needed to stay calm, then our children will struggle to learn those skills.

But if we have the skills, the tools and techniques, to help us stay calm, then our children will naturally develop those same skills on their own by emulating us.

Just imagine if your children learn the ability to stay calm and in-control of their behavior now, while they are young.

Imagine how much better their decisions will be, how much better their life will be, if they have this power to decide how they want to respond to strong emotions, instead of just reacting mindlessly.

In fact, I believe that having this skill to stay calm, to respond instead of react, is a parenting superpower...

The Parenting Calm Down Toolkit

In my Parenting Calm Down Toolkit, I have collected the best habits, tools, and frameworks that I have discovered to help parents stay cool, collected, and in control, no matter what their kids do.

I know the tools in this Parenting Calm Down Toolkit work, because I use them daily and they have made a massive improvement in my own ability to stay calm and respond how I want to respond to my kids' behavior.

Imagine waking up tomorrow, and your child does something that would normally just cause you to explode.

But now, imagine that instead of freaking out, yelling and shouting at them as you always calmly (but firmly) explain to them how you are feeling, and then intentionally decide how you want to respond to their behavior.

Imagine how much better your relationship with your child will be if you are able to do this consistently.

How much more they will learn to respect you, trust you, and feel connected to you.

And how much more you'll respect yourself, being able to go to bed every evening with the knowledge that you have treated your kids in the way you want to treat them. Knowing that you have shown them how to behave, instead of modelling to them how you don't want them to behave.

In my Parenting Calm Down Toolkit, you'll get:

  • 11 simple and fun ways to improve your overall ability to stay calm - these simple daily habits actually strengthen your nervous system's ability to calm down, making staying calm in-the-moment an almost instinctive reaction.

  • My 7 favorite in-the-moment calm down tools - easy ways to stay in control, right now, when your kids do something to upset you.

  • 3 powerful frameworks to understand your own triggers and emotions better - using these frameworks build your emotional intelligence and understanding of why you act the way you do, making it much easier to notice that you are about to lose control and instead stay calm. These are the best ways I've found to become better at staying calm in the long term.

You see, while putting together my Parenting Calm Down Toolkit, I quickly realized that there are 3 very important aspects to staying calm.

First, you need to create habits to take care of yourself, and build your own ability to stay calm.

This is easy to see...just stay up all night, and then see for yourself if you are able to stay calm the next day...

The fact is that staying calm is almost impossible if you don't take care of yourself.

So the first chapter of the Parenting Calm Down Toolkit contains 11 simple, scientifically proven habits that you can use to strengthen your nervous system's ability to calm down.

11 simple and fun ways to improve your overall ability to stay calm

  • A simple model to understand your nervous system, that gives you an easy way to communicate to yourself, and to others, how you are feeling in-the-moment - this works especially well for explaining to your kids when you are about to blow your top, helping to keep you calm and letting them know they need to stop what they are doing.

  • Two simple breathing exercises that you can practice each day to reduce your overall stress levels and help train your body to better regulate your emotions. Practicing this regularly teaches your body to calm down and breath when your really need it.

  • A simple meditation technique to help build your capacity for emotional regulation by creating a better awareness of your senses. Since I started practicing this regularly, I've become much more able to recognize when I'm about to say or do things that I'll end up regretting.

  • The surprising way that "spending time in nature" can help you stay calm...and 6 fun ideas to make spending time in nature something that you and your kids look forward to.

  • An incredibly powerful mindset shift that you can use to instantly gain more empathy for your child - to remind you to view the situation from their viewpoint - when they do something that makes you want to scream - I keep this mantra stuck up on various walls in my house, because reading it works like magic to help me stay calm when my kids behave badly.

  • How "forcing" yourself to laugh more regularly can actually make you better at staying calm and reduce your overall stress (and how to laugh intentionally, without having to find something funny). This sounds weird, but it can make you feel so much better, less stressed, and better able to deal with the stresses of being a parent.

  • The best type of exercise to do in order to build your "calm-ability" (hint: you don't need to strain yourself to get the calming benefits of exercise).

  • The strange way in which your gut bacteria actually communicate with your brain...and how your gut-health actually influences your behavior and your ability to stay calm (and how to ensure that your gut bacteria supports instead of hinders your ability to stay calm).

  • How to use writing to get better at identifying your emotions (and the reasons for those emotions), and get better at staying in control when you feel like yelling.

Implementing just one or two of these habits can make a dramatic improvement in your overall ability to stay calm.

But improving your overall ability to stay calm is just the first step. The second important aspect of staying calm is to have the right techniques and tools to calm down in-the-moment.

You see, you have about six seconds between an emotional trigger and either taking control of your emotions and getting to respond peacefully, or flipping out and being controlled by your emotions.

So in the second chapter, you'll discover my favorite techniques for using those six seconds to take control of your emotions, instead of being controlled by them.

My 7 favorite in-the-moment calm down tools

  • A simple 6 letter acronym that helps you notice your emotions before they take control, and help bring yourself back to calm so that you can connect empathetically with your children. As you do this over and over again, it becomes second nature and you start to self-regulate automatically and with ease. The more you do it, the easier it gets!

  • How to trigger an instinctive reflex (that every mammal has) to instantly lower your heart rate and calm you down, no matter how upset you are (this also works great for your kids when they are getting upset).

  • A simple technique to remind yourself about your love for your child and trigger your nurturing instincts when you get upset at your kids, to allow you to stay connected with them and automatically lower your heart rate and anxiety levels.

  • Why giving yourself a "time-out" works so much better than giving your child a time-out when you are upset at them...and how to do it in a way that models to your children what to do when they have strong emotions (I also added a bonus tip that makes this technique even more powerful).

  • A simple two-word statement that I learned from a best-selling author and family psychologist to instantly emotionally detach yourself from a situation. This not only helps you calm down in-the-moment, but it also helps your child develop their ability to take responsibility for their own outcomes.

  • How to use the A.L.L. technique to be more mindful and calm down when dealing with your kids. This technique helps you respond how you want, rather than react mindlessly, to challenging situations with your child.

  • How to develop your own personal calming techniques based on your individual preferences and requirements. Using this system you can develop your own "calm down" tools that work on your nervous system through your senses. This also works great to help your child develop their own ability to calm down. By doing this regularly, you'll develop your own, personalized and individualized calming toolkit for both you and your children.

Developing your own ability to stay calm, and having techniques and tools to stay calm in-the-moment is important, but long term the most important aspect of being able to stay calm is learning how and why you react the way you do.

Developing your emotional intelligence, and your understanding of your own triggers and reactions, is the key to breaking the cycle of trigger and reaction, and finally taking control of your behavior.

So in the last chapter, I share the three most powerful frameworks that I've discovered for exploring your own emotions and developing an understanding of your triggers.

These frameworks not only help you recognize and accept your own emotions, but they also help you accept your child's strong emotions, helping them feel accepted and safe with you.

And accepting all of your child's emotions is the single most important thing you can do to help them build their own ability to self-regulate.

3 powerful frameworks to understand your own triggers and emotions better

  • When I interviewed Dr. Lawrence Cohen, a licensed psychologist and author of the influential book Playful Parenting, he shared his simple framework for understanding your triggers and why you react the way you do. He calls this "Tracking Your Triggers" and it is a very simple but powerful way to gain control of your reactions in the long term.

And if you just do this once, you might get some benefit from it. But if you do this over a period of a month, and anytime you're triggered...and you do that, and I would say I don't like to give guarantees, but almost guaranteed you'll find patterns, and you'll find insights, and you'll find some relief from the pressure of these triggers.

Dr. Lawrence Cohen
  • How to use the "Tracking Your Triggers" system to gain insight into events from your own childhood that are affecting your behavior and reactions today, and become better at staying in control of your behavior.

  • Why the "Tracking Your Triggers" framework helps you turn emotional, negative situations into positive opportunities for personal growth and development.

  • A simple, visual way to illustrate your "nervous system states" to yourself and to your children. Using this framework not only helps you become clear about how to identify when you are losing your cool, but it gives you a simple way to communicate how you are feeling with your children as well.

  • How to teach your children to communicate how they are feeling, without requiring them to know the exact names of the (often complex) emotions they are feeling.

  • A six-step framework for talking about and reflecting about situations where you or your child got really upset and lost control. This is a great way to repair after saying or doing something that you regret, and the more you do this the better you and your kids will become at noticing and expressing your emotions.

So, by now you are probably wondering how much all of this would cost.

Before I share that, what do you think the ability to stay calm is worth to parents?

How much is it worth to be able to decide how you want to respond to your kids, instead of reacting mindlessly and saying and doing things that you end up regretting?

How much is it worth to be able to teach your kids the powerful tools for regulating their own emotions, for them to develop skills that they will be able to use for the rest of their lives in order to make better decisions and respond mindfully and rationally instead of just reacting emotionally?

Now, if you were to book a 1-hour coaching appointment with me, it would cost you at least $100, and I would generally only be able to go over one or two of these tools with you in that time.

In fact, to go over everything in this toolkit will at the very least take over 10 coaching sessions, costing you at least $1000.

But, like I said, I truly believe that the ability to stay calm is a critical skill for all parents to have, a true parenting superpower.

That's why I've decided to put together this Parenting Calm Down Toolkit, so that I could have a cost-effective way to share these powerful tools and techniques with as many parents as possible.

When I spoke to my husband, he told me that he thinks the fairest way to price this toolkit would be to charge the same as I would charge for one hour of coaching - $100.

That felt like a fair price, based on the amount of value in the toolkit, as well as the amount of effort that I put into developing it.

But the truth was that I still felt like I could do better.

Because $100 would still put it outside the reach of many of the parents that need this the most.

So, after a lot of discussing with my husband, we finally decided to lower the price for the Parenting Calm Down Toolkit to...

$47 (USD)

For only $47, you get my most powerful habits for improving your overall ability to stay calm, tools to stay calm in-the-moment, and frameworks for finally taking control of your triggers and accepting your emotions.

For less than $2 a day over the next month, you get access to a lifetime resource to help you take control of your reactions and gain the ability to respond how you want to respond to your children's behavior.

I've put a ton of effort into this toolkit, because I truly believe that the ability to stay calm is at the core of effective parenting.

And I think it will be incredibly helpful for you if...

  • You take care of young children, and you have to deal with emotional outbursts, or tantrums, and you want to be able to stay calm and in control when your child is at their worst.

  • You often find yourself shouting at your kids because they just frustrate you so much, and then afterwards feel ashamed or regret over how you behaved.

  • You want to have the skills and techniques for dealing with difficult emotions, so that you can teach your children to regulate their own emotions.

If this sounds like you...

Then you should definitely get my Parenting Calm Down Toolkit.

Because the truth is, we only have a very short time to create that bond with our children.

They are only young once, and it goes by so quickly.

And the better you are at regulating your own emotions, at staying calm in the face of the endless frustrations of dealing with young kids, the better your connection with your child will be, and the more you'll enjoy these precious years.

In fact, I'm so sure that this toolkit will change your relationship with your kids, that I've decided to take all of the risk away.

My 60 Day Unconditional Guarantee

Take the next 60 days to review my Parenting Calm Down Toolkit.

Choose one technique from each of the three sections, and start practicing that technique as often as you can. Do something each day to take care of yourself, to improve your ability to stay calm. Practice one or two easy ways to calm down in the moment that you can use immediately. And then start reflecting on your strong emotions and why certain things trigger you.

Do this for the next two months.

Then, if you don't absolutely feel like you have become a calmer, better, more intentional parent, just send me an email and I'll refund 100% of the price you paid.

You don't have to provide any reasons. There are absolutely no conditions on this guarantee. All I ask is that you do your best to at least try one or two of the tools, because I really want you to succeed.

That's it. There is simply no reason not to take advantage of this opportunity. There is no risk to you, only the upside of finally becoming the type of parent you always dreamed about being.

Now, when I started learning about these tools, the biggest challenge I faced is that it can be difficult to remember to actually use these tools when you need them most.

That's why I included a special bonus section:

BONUS: Extra resources to really help you implement and learn these tools

As a special bonus, I've included 11 printable posters, worksheets, and reflection questions to help ensure that you'll actually use these tools:

  • Printable posters you can put up around your house to remind yourself to use these tools to stay calm and in control.

  • A unique Feelings Wheel to guide you in naming and labeling your own and your children's emotions and physical sensations associated with those emotions.

  • A special tool that I call Talking About Feelings - Physical Sensations. Use this to help identify and discuss the physical sensations associated with the emotions you feel. This is incredibly powerful both for yourself, but also for talking to your kids about their feelings.

  • 3 printable worksheets to help you reflect and explore your emotions and triggers.

  • Reflection questions that you can use to understand how you want to respond to your child's behavior, helping you to become a more intentional parent instead of just reacting all the time.

So, the way I see it you have two choices:

Option One - you can decide to go on the way you've always done things. Maybe try to take some of the lessons I've shared on this page, but try to figure out things on your own.

This might work for you, but the truth is that if you keep doing things the same way, you'll very likely end up with the same results. The unfortunate truth is that the way you are behaving now, your ability to stay calm and in-control, will not change unless you learn how to change.

And, as I said, you only have a very short time to build the foundations of your relationship and connection with your child. Believe me, our kids grow up too quickly, and before you realize it they are teenagers and don't want anything to do with us.

The best time to act is right now...

While you still have as much time as possible to build those strong foundations and the deep connection and relationship of trust and respect.

That's why you also have Option Two - to take advantage of this no risk opportunity to gain access my most powerful habits for improving your overall ability to stay calm, tools to stay calm in-the-moment, and frameworks for finally taking control of your triggers and accepting your emotions.

You can start right now to build that foundation of connection and trust with your kids. Start right now to teach them the powerful skills and tools to self-regulate and manage their own reactions to their strong emotions.

There is absolutely no risk to you. You have 60 days to review and try out the tools. In the unlikely event that you feel that it is not for you, simply send me an email, and I'll refund everything you paid, no questions asked and no hard feelings.

Get my Parenting Calm Down Toolkit for $47

Purchase my Parenting Calm Down Toolkit for only $47 today.

Yes, I want to become a calm, cool, intentional parent

Frequently asked questions

Who’s this toolkit for?

My Parenting Calm Down Toolkit is specifically for you if you take care of kids, especially young kids. However, I'm sure that these methods would work for you if you have older kids as well, or even if you don't have any kids.

What is the time commitment?

You can put as much time as you want into this. You can either read through the entire toolkit, or simply choose a technique from each of the three sections, and start practicing that technique as often as you can. Do something each day to take care of yourself, to improve your ability to stay calm. Practice one or two easy ways to calm down in the moment that you can use immediately. And then start reflecting on your strong emotions and why certain things trigger you.

What exactly do I get as part of this toolkit?

When you purchase this toolkit, you'll get lifetime access to an online website containing all of the tools and resources that form part of this toolkit. You can also download the entire toolkit in PDF format.

This includes:

  • 11 simple and fun ways to improve your overall ability to stay calm - these simple daily habits actually strengthen your nervous system's ability to calm down, making staying calm in-the-moment an almost instinctive reaction.

  • My 7 favorite in-the-moment calm down tools - easy ways to stay in control, right now, when your kids do something to upset you.

  • 3 powerful frameworks to understand your own triggers and emotions better - using these frameworks build your emotional intelligence and understanding of why you act the way you do, making it much easier to notice that you are about to lose control and instead stay calm. These are the best ways I've found to become better at staying calm in the long term.

  • Bonus printable posters, worksheets, and reflection questions you can put up around your house to remind yourself to use these tools to stay calm and in control.

What’s the refund policy?

There is absolutely no risk to you. You have 60 days to review and try out the tools. In the unlikely event that you feel that it is not for you, simply send me an email, and I'll refund everything you paid, no questions asked and no hard feelings.

What currency is the price in?

All prices on this page are in US Dollars.

What if I’ve got more questions?

If you have any questions, please feel free to send me an email at [email protected]

Get my Parenting Calm Down Toolkit for $47

Purchase my Parenting Calm Down Toolkit for only $47 today.

Yes, I want to become a calm, cool, intentional parent